Kite Club Info
Kites Over New England
Come Fly With Us!
As a member of KONE you'll receive special discounts at local Kite stores. Invitations to local and regional events, Free air to fly in, and all the fun you can stand. Memberships run annually and are all due for renewal Jan. 1 of the following year.
Web Site:
FaceBook: KitesOverNewEngland
KONE Calendar:
Mailing Address:
Kites Over New England
11 W. Bowers St #2
Lowell MA 01854
United States
Club Officers:
President: VACANCY email:
Board of Directors and Officers
Ralph Reed - Treasurer, email:
Richard Amirault- Secretary
Mike Dioguardo
Tony Heeschen
John DiMatteo
John Nevins
Don McCasland
Committee Chairs:
Electronic Opportunities: Gary Quinton email:
Membership: Ralph Reed email:
Safety and Ethics: Mike Dioguardo
Festivals and Competition:
MA: Dan delPapa
ME: Tony Heeschen
VT/RI: Ralph Reed
NH: Larry Miller
Indoor: Gary Quinton
Archives: Richard Amirault
Club gear to loan to members (kites, banners etc.)
KONE is affiliated with the American Kitefliers Association.
AKA Region One Director: Gary Engvall
Join by mail: Membership Application
Download the KONE MEMFORM.doc in Microsoft Word format, or KONE MEMFORM.pdf in Adobe Acrobat.
Print out the membership application. Send the completed application with $10.00 payable to:
Kites Over New England
11 W. Bowers St #2
Lowell MA 01854
United States
Club links:
KONE Bylaws Final 2019.doc current